Monday 22 October 2012

Demo Mobile APEX application for AUSOUG

The 2012 Perth AUSOUG Conference is less than a week away and it's time for an announcement.

This year I'm presenting "A Foray into APEX mobile", which will be a look into the 4.2 release. Accompanying this will be a demonstration application ( that allows you to explore the conference sessions from your desktop or mobile device.

My presentation will investigate how this sausage was made; then talk about some of the considerations you'll need to take when exploring the world of mobile development. It will also be powerpoint free :-)

The application isn't super beautiful, I only use the stock theme - and I won't guarantee the application is defect free - in fact you may even encounter some APEX 4.2 bugs. I will however do my best to ensure the session times are up-to-date.

Please feel free to explore the application before & during the conference - in fact, I encourage all of you attending the conference to do three things

  1. explore the application to help decide which sessions to attend
  2. use the links to indicate which sessions you are interested in (or not interested)
  3. after you attend each session, use the links to provide feedback on what you thought
The conference committee will be interested in the results. We will be promoting the application during the conference & reminding delegates after each session to provide feedback. We plan to formalise & extend the application for next year and integrate it with other services. 

To those not fortunate enough to be in Perth for the conference this year, I welcome your ideas & hope to see you in the future.

Scott Wesley
Program Chair
2012 Perth AUSOUG Conference