Friday 4 November 2011

Oracle APEX 4.1 Security Presentation

As promised here is the link to the presentation I gave on 4th November 2011 at the Perth AUSOUG conference.

Update : I was awarded Best Paper for this. Thanks everyone!

I hope you enjoy it, and find it informative.

Just a shame you don't hear my, err..."charismatic" commentary ;-)



Joel R. Kallman said...


This is a superbly crafted presentation. It is probably the most complete and lucid explanation of APEX security features that I have seen to date. Well done!


Anonymous said...

The answer is 10. Do I get a prize? :)

Scott Wesley said...

Thank you Joel, I appreciate it.

The delivery went well, I rushed a little - but we could use more than 45 minutes ;-)

@Jeff, I'll get back to that!

Scott Wesley said...

Jeff - I had noted 11 inclusive, and unfortunately I didn't have my affairs in order on the day (read: I was late and I didn't sort out a prize)

Perhaps you'd like a Sage t-shirt? ;-)

Unknown said...

Very nice presentation. I would have like to hear it ... Will you give this presentation at KScope 12 ?

Scott Wesley said...

(check your e-mail, Francis)