Friday 4 March 2011

Adelaide One-Day AUSOUG Conference 2011

The South Australian branch of AUSOUG are holding a one-day conference on Monday March 28th at the Mercure Grosvenor Hotel in Adelaide.

I will be presenting there, along with fellow Perth-ite Connor McDonald.

I will be looking forward to seeing some people I haven't seen for quite some time, and meeting some others I see on the schedule I have not yet had the opportunity to meet, such as Craig Shallahamer.

Further details can be found at AUSOUG.


1 comment:

SydOracle said...

I worked for nine months in Adelaide. Mostly harmless :) You should try a meat pie floater though, just for the experience.

And my word verification is "brewings", which is very appropriate for a Friday evening. I'll go and have something that was brewed earlier.