Monday 29 November 2010

SAGE 2010 AUSOUG Conference presentations available

To all those that requested or are interested in our presentations from the AUSOUG conference, all five are now available on the SAGE website - click on the New! 2010 Presentations link.

As for all other presentations, the AUSOUG committee are in the process of chasing down those we did not obtain and with any luck, should be available on the AUSOUG website before the next conference.

You may even find some on the websites of the respective presenters. Big names such as Steven Feuerstein and Tom Kyte always have their's available on-line. However for presentations such as Guy Harrison's keynote & Connor McDonald's 350+ slide masterpiece - you're never going to get the same value reading it as being there - their delivery was impeccable.

Truth be told, the WA state committee has gathered fresh and keen members this year, and we are pushing hard to make dramatic improvements to the design and functionality of the site. During the AGM, it was mentioned that around March 2011 should see the fruition of this change.

On top of website changes, we have received good feedback from the conference this year and we have plenty of changes and improvements in mind for next year to make it more exciting. I look forward to how many of these improvements we can fit in, and 2012 should be even better!

One of these changes is to ensure we get better attendance for the AGM, since we would like to better serve and provide for our members. This means we will try to schedule it so it's not the same time the drinks & nibblies come out ;-)

If you have something to contribute, or a super idea to suggest - you don't even have to until then, contact the committee today.

This should be my last user group related post this year, back to normal Oracle blogging now. If I don't see you at the end of year function (8th Dec @ Rosemount Bowl), I may see you at our first event next year which will be a breakfast in February, if I'm not mistaken.


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