Monday 4 July 2011

Useful Oracle APEX URLs

Today one of my tasks was to compile a list of useful Oracle APEX URLs to send out to some people.

2018 update - head here:

I've managed my bookmarks fairly well, and kept track of good links I've encountered over time. This list is certainly not exhaustive, and I've no doubt missed some key links, but if you're looking to explore - you might find something new or useful below.

(Last updated: 2011-09-21)

-- APEX documentation

-- APEX Statement of Direction

-- APEX Early Adopter website (recently used for 4.1)

-- APEX splitter

-- On remembering URL parameter sequence

-- Template substitution strings

--  Plug-ins

--  Online sample applications

-- APEX blog aggregator

-- Integrate forms with Apex

-- Error page replacement (more flexible in 4.1)

-- APEX themes

-- I highly recommend the following books

-- Prettying APEX URLs


1 comment:

Andrzej Nowakowski (APEXUTIL.COM / DBE) said...

Scott You forgot our apex themes page: : )