Have you ever played with QR codes?
We used them at our
SAGE booth at the Perth conference to link to our conference beta mobile application. I stumbled across one idea recently, possibly via
Martin - my electronic signature
My nail in the head? #matrixreference |
This gave me a sobering thought - it's another brick in the wall towards a world where we communicate with each other with a twitter-esque environment but with a tightly coupling of electronics & biology, and this is
the stamp on our painting, so to speak, detailing whatever information will be required to identify us.
Too much?
The "the stamp on our painting" link goes to a page with an error. For me is works if you changed the .aspx part of the URL to .asp (remove the x).
I used the same technique at the end of my OOW12 presentation. Funny to see everyone holding up his phone to get a decent snap of the slide...
Thanks Anonymous - I wonder if that was an errant typo...
Roel - free publicity that works!
Shazam (et al) is an audio version I've seen(heard) used in cinema ads.
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