Wednesday 17 July 2013

SAGE seminars at Insync13

It's officially less than a month before the 2013 Insync national conference series kicks off in Sydney.

The SAGE Computing Services team has a heavy presence this year. You can find Penny & myself scattered amongst all Australian states, with Kylie & Ray boosting the Perth schedule. Check out the Insync website for schedule updates.

Case Study: Redesigning core on-line systems in ADF JDeveloper
New Optimizer Features in Oracle 12c
Redeveloping a legacy application in JDeveloper ADF - a half day workshop

APEX in your hands: Lessons learnt from a tablet project
Reasons why you should upgrade your APEX environment

"Elementary my Dear Weblogic" - the Case of Spying on ADF

Oracle ADF for Newbies: Surviving your first project

We'll be posting further information about the workshops on the Sage website, but remember - you'll need to at least bring your laptop.

Keep an eye out for Eddie, too - he's working on something regaring ADF Essentials.


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