Monday 19 November 2012

Webinar: A foray into APEX mobile

If you missed it, it's going to be ok!

For those unable to make it to the Perth conference this year, I will be presenting my session as a webinar on  the 18th December 2012 at
4pm - New York
9pm - UTC / London
(19th December)
5am - Perth (yes, I'm getting up early)
8am - Sydney/Melbourne

Register via ODTUG.

I've modified the abstract slightly considering the accompanying application was designed for the conference - feel free to have a play now - even play the buzzwords game.

A foray into APEX mobile

Mobile development had beginnings even prior to Oracle Application Express 4.x, but with 4.1 itching to be a true mobile development platform - only held back by the jQuery library - APEX 4.2 has arrived with it as standard armoury in the utility belt.

We asked delegates prior to the 2012 Perth AUSOUG Conference to visit the following site either on desktop or mobile device (via

We encouraged them to register interest in presentations, then provide feedback on each session. It is essentially a prototype built specifically for the purpose of this presentation, but it became a valuable tool for the conference organisers, and will be improved & polished for next year.

Listen to this presentation to see how the sausage was made; what you may expect to see out of APEX mobile development in the future; and what you need to consider learning before putting on the stetson!
It will be interesting to see how the prezi style works as a webinar, because in person I find it's more engaging than powerpoint - as long as you don't make the movements too much.


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