Tuesday 23 October 2012

Upgrading to APEX 4.2 in three steps

I found upgrading my laptop's 11gXE instance from APEX 4.1 to APEX 4.2 ridiculously easy:
  1. Stop APEX Listener (5 seconds)
  2. Run install script (19 minutes)
    @apexins.sql apex apex_files TEMP /i/
  3. Restart APEX Listener with new images address (15 seconds)
    java -jar apex.war standalone --apex-images \apex4.2\images
Job done.

Further details & other optional steps found in APEX 4.2 Installation Guide

When I have time I must find out if we can still tweak the APEX login page.



Ryainad said...


Could you please show details how to upgrade Apex to 4.2?

I want to try but it is not working for me.

Ryainad said...


Could you please explain details how to update Apex 4.1 to 4.2?
I've tried these 3 steps it is not working.

Thank you in advance!

Scott Wesley said...

Hi Ryainad,

The documentation linked really is the best place to start, and if you're having any problems - write a post in the APEX forums - if I don't have a chance to respond, or don't know the answer - plenty of other volunteers will be there to help.

Don't forget to post as many details as possible - including why it is not working, ie - behaviour, error message etc.
