Thursday 6 December 2018

A dozen things to do with Oracle APEX

For this year's Australian Oracle User Group conference I decided to consolidate some of my favourite things to do with 3 of my favourite APEX features.

I considered this a bit of a 'lazy' decision, as it didn't really require any new research - but I think sometimes that can produce some good content, since I'm consolidating years of experience into a session.

It did give me a little leverage for one of my Kscope19 abstract submissions - another concept I've been working on for some time now regarding the management of multiple applications acting as one.

Some of my favourite features? I covered Dynamic Actions, of course, plus some use cases for Build Options, and the REQUEST value. Why? Well, check it out.

One thing I learned from this session is to concentrate on the group in the room. I was asked to record my session, which I was happy to do, but I wasn't mic'd up, so I had to spend my time behind the podium so the laptop mic would record my voice. I prefer to move about & show my enthusiasm, but a colleague said I ended up spending too much time looking at my laptop instead of the people in the room.
And in the end, the recording didn't even work!
Connor suggested a better idea would probably be a phone/camera on a tripod. Lesson learned.

I aim to create a few blog posts out of this session, so some of the ideas can be consumed as such, so stay tuned.

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