Thursday 19 December 2013

Small SQL puzzle - discrete top 3

Being the APEX geek I am I've created a page that lists all the entrants so far to the Packt Publishing Phonegap ebook giveway

Check it out here

I'll post more about how I've extrapolated records from derived column values, but I am looking for suggestions to improve the 'prize?' column

This is the current calculation - basically highlighting first three records in output.
case when row_number() over (order by dbms_random.value()) <= 3 then 'maybe?' end prize
But what if two of those records share the same name?

Here is some test data, where socrates, plato & yeats need to win the prize
with data as
 (select 'socrates'  name, 1 entry, 1 ord from dual union all
  select 'plato'     name, 1 entry, 2 ord from dual union all
  select 'socrates'  name, 2 entry, 3 ord from dual union all
  select 'yeats'     name, 1 entry, 4 ord from dual union all
  select 'aristotle' name, 1 entry, 5 ord from dual)
select case when row_number () over (order by ord)  <= 3 then 'maybe?' end prize
from data
order by ord
Go nuts

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