Thursday 20 August 2009

2009 AUSOUG Conference - Call for Papers

Hello Oracle Community,

The call for papers has been re-iterated for this year's AUSOUG 20:20 Foresight National Conference Series.

Always a good opportunity for networking, learning and a few fun & games, this year's conference series is ready for abstract submissions from young & old.

If you've never written a presentation before, I highly recommend it. If you have, then get cracking on the next one! I've (hopefully) got two great topics up my sleeve this year and I look forward to the experience.

The 2009 dates are:
  • Perth from 10-11 November at the Burswood Convention Centre
  • Melbourne from 16-17 November at the Sebel Albert Park Hotel
Visit for all the latest information.

Hope to see you in Perth and/or Melbourne!

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